Day 4 in Dhaka City!
PostedHi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
I'm praying for you as you adjust to the culture..I know it can be difficult at times but trust in God and He will carry you through!
Saralyn <3
I am praying for you! Keep Trusting in Him. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5&6. Lean on Him fully. I know you are!! Cheryl :)
CORI! Okay so i am new at this whole blog thing...but i am super excited to stay in contact. I miss you alot girl but i know God has you over there for a reason. And those reasons we may or may not see. But he is going to use you greatly for His glory! I lve you girl and i hope you are doing great. hopefully that picture album is some comfort! Danish
After looking at the photo near where your staying, I know why there was no power in your apartment! Those power lines are... amazing.
Also, I liked Adams fish symbol! (<><) - very cool
Hang in there, you will succeed. You survived working with me!
Peace out sista!
Hi,... You've been on my heart. Adam talked on Sunday about the heat and lack of electricity.. i felt ur pain. :( .. i wanted to mention a few ideas i learned to beat the heat... lol. first of all if you can shower or at least get your hair wet before bed.. that is helpful. or..get a cloth wet with cold water and put it on your neck. But... the best idea was from John..he got me a basin of ice one night and i soaked my feet in it until it melted and i was completly frozen. it kept me cool until i fell alseep.. just some thoughts from a scandinavian "haitian".
o,. and now for some thoughts about your health. water... hmm.. big concern. parisites.. you need to be careful and yes, boil everything.. but, if you can get your hands on some whole cloves.. (you know.. those things you stick in holiday ham).. any hot beverage you consume..(in that heat.. who knows how many that might be).. put one whole clove in and let it steep...don't eat it.. but drink your drink... all i know is that i never had a parisite while i was doing that in haiti..
other thing is... what things do you miss from here that you can't get there.. now, you probably don't know yet what exactly might be available to you .. but, please let me know.. people here might want to send you some stuff... and, can you find out if it costs you anything to receive a box..
we got ur back here...
many people are praying for you and God has you in the palm of His hand...
prayers and blessings to u
hey there kiddo
sounds like the adventure has really begun.
I have your picture at my desk at work and I think aobut you daily...the office is not the same with out you. Every time I look at your picture I send a little prayer your way. You are not are not in the dark, you have a light glowing inside you that can be seen and felt from across the world.
Love you
Hi Cori:
It is so great that you have the determination to follow through on what you know is the right thing for you to do. We are continually praying for you from Coast to Coast in Canada! We miss you and your smiles and helping spirit! I am sure you will be reflection of Christ in that dark land. I can relate to all those "things" that will bring you patience and experience!! Do let it be known what you may have need of. Keep your eye on the Prize not the price! Luvya girl.
I'm writing this on your Birthday, and I hope that you enjoy it. It will certainly be one that you will remember always!
We will keep up our prayers - you keep up your updates as you are able. We miss you very much, but know that you're where you need to be.
Renew your strength! (Isa.40:31)
Hey Cori!!
I wasn't sure where I should write this but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!! Or it might be Happy Belated Birthday over there. But I'm glad that you arrived safely in Dhaka. I wish you all the best over there and can't wait to hear more about your journey.
Take cares and be safe!
I'm praying for you as you adjust to the culture..I know it can be difficult at times but trust in God and He will carry you through!
Saralyn <3
I am praying for you! Keep Trusting in Him. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5&6. Lean on Him fully. I know you are!! Cheryl :)
CORI! Okay so i am new at this whole blog thing...but i am super excited to stay in contact. I miss you alot girl but i know God has you over there for a reason. And those reasons we may or may not see. But he is going to use you greatly for His glory! I lve you girl and i hope you are doing great. hopefully that picture album is some comfort! Danish
After looking at the photo near where your staying, I know why there was no power in your apartment! Those power lines are... amazing.
Also, I liked Adams fish symbol! (<><) - very cool
Hang in there, you will succeed. You survived working with me!
Peace out sista!
We're praying for you!!
Hi,... You've been on my heart. Adam talked on Sunday about the heat and lack of electricity.. i felt ur pain. :( .. i wanted to mention a few ideas i learned to beat the heat... lol. first of all if you can shower or at least get your hair wet before bed.. that is helpful. or..get a cloth wet with cold water and put it on your neck. But... the best idea was from John..he got me a basin of ice one night and i soaked my feet in it until it melted and i was completly frozen. it kept me cool until i fell alseep.. just some thoughts from a scandinavian "haitian".
o,. and now for some thoughts about your health. water... hmm.. big concern. parisites.. you need to be careful and yes, boil everything.. but, if you can get your hands on some whole cloves.. (you know.. those things you stick in holiday ham).. any hot beverage you consume..(in that heat.. who knows how many that might be).. put one whole clove in and let it steep...don't eat it.. but drink your drink... all i know is that i never had a parisite while i was doing that in haiti..
other thing is... what things do you miss from here that you can't get there.. now, you probably don't know yet what exactly might be available to you .. but, please let me know.. people here might want to send you some stuff... and, can you find out if it costs you anything to receive a box..
we got ur back here...
many people are praying for you and God has you in the palm of His hand...
prayers and blessings to u
hey there kiddo
sounds like the adventure has really begun.
I have your picture at my desk at work and I think aobut you daily...the office is not the same with out you. Every time I look at your picture I send a little prayer your way. You are not are not in the dark, you have a light glowing inside you that can be seen and felt from across the world.
Love you
Hi Cori:
It is so great that you have the determination to follow through on what you know is the right thing for you to do. We are continually praying for you from Coast to Coast in Canada! We miss you and your smiles and helping spirit! I am sure you will be reflection of Christ in that dark land. I can relate to all those "things" that will bring you patience and experience!! Do let it be known what you may have need of. Keep your eye on the Prize not the price! Luvya girl.
I'm writing this on your Birthday, and I hope that you enjoy it. It will certainly be one that you will remember always!
We will keep up our prayers - you keep up your updates as you are able. We miss you very much, but know that you're where you need to be.
Renew your strength! (Isa.40:31)
Hey Cori!!
I wasn't sure where I should write this but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!! Or it might be Happy Belated Birthday over there. But I'm glad that you arrived safely in Dhaka. I wish you all the best over there and can't wait to hear more about your journey.
Take cares and be safe!
This is the First of me seeing any of the photos! Your looking great Cori:)
I am praying for you daily! Please Keep strong! Hebrews 6:10-12 Its not in Vain!
Love Adam <><
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