The Shri Shri Durga Puja, commonly known as Durgoutsav in Bangladesh, is a five day Hundu festival that began here on the 24th of September. In the Bengali cultural and traditional folk literatures, Durga, who is the Hindu War Goddess, decends upon the earth during these four days accompanied by her children.
Idols of the Goddess Durga were displayed around the city in pandals for the public to worship. The festival is a symbol of her triumph of good over evil, and there were several processions and musical programmes with dancing and singing.
We were able to head to the Dhakeshwari Temple in Old Dhaka and go and see the festivities. This is one of the largest and most well known Hindu temples in all of Bangladesh so it was interesting to see it during this time of celebration. There were hundreds of people there including the local news station.

We were able to wander quite freely through it, although there was a consistent amount of staring and following, people coming up to us and looking at us... and MANY MANY men wanting thier pictures taken with US. We became a bit of a novelty, since it is apparently VERY rare to see people like "us" in the heart of Old Dhaka (this is the oldest area of town where not many, or any at all, expatriates go), and therefore ended up getting interviewed by the local news station.
Although I was trying to be removed from the situation and tried to take pictures of Debbie and Jamie being interviewed, they caught me and put the camera right in my face and asked me (in Bengali) if I had anything to say.
I looked straight into the live camera, and said "Jesus is Lord, and I will pray for the country of Bangladesh to know Jesus as your savior. The gods of Hinduism do not exist, and you are following a falacy."
Not sure how I had the "guts" to say that in the midst of a festival, but needless to say they had nothing to say back to me, dropped their cameras, and walked away...
We left shortly after that...
What an experience!
Take a look at some of these pictures of idol worship that I have posted below of people bowing down and lighting candles and praying to these wooden statues...
Scripture tells us in Exodus 20:4-5 " You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is the earth beneath, or that is the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your GOD am a jealous God..."
There are several other passages on Idol Worship in t

he Bible. It was hard to see.
Here are some pictures of the festival, I was able to see the inside of the temple, and look through the markets. I bought another wooden flute which was a blessing!
May the grace of God be known to each of you,
More soon!
In Christ,
CORI!!!!!!!!! i am so proud of you for saying that. God definitely gives us the words to say even though we don't have any! wow i can't wait to hear all of these stories when you come back. love you girl!
Hey Cori! i wish i would have read your blog earlier because it is really encouraging to hear. I am so proud of you! i admire your strength and your faith. I will continue praying for you, and it is so amazing to see you step out in faith the way you have. Keep serving the Lord.xoxo
Love always,
I wish I had the courage to say something like that. Praise the Lord! Oh, do you like Starbucks or Timmy's coffee better?
Hey Chris! :) Yeah it was all God's strength not mine :) Mmmmm Starbucks.... :) :) :)
Stuff like this makes me wonder how long the "Americas" will be so blessed. Countries that were founded on Christianity, and yet now have slipped so far from Him. Haiti is founded on voodoo, your country has it's idols.... and there is so much suffering. Coincidence??.. Amen and amen that God gave you the words to speak into that camera.
keep on keeping on..
Hi Cori!
I am so proud! Way to be a witness and a testimony of The Only True God and Messiah Jesus Christ! It takes great faith to speak truth in the face of danger. I am praying for sweet heart. 1 Peter 3:15 We have hope! Amen.
Love and prayer
Adam <><
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