These last few weeks have just flown by as I start planning many things as "year end" projects. I am absolutely stunned that the time has gone by this quickly and I really barely feel like I have even settled in. I do notice a difference in my reaction to large cockroaches.... the screams have stopped and now are replaced with mumbling and fumbling for the highly toxic spray... but some other things have changed too that are far less obvious.
I have noticed a development for an affinity to the Bangladeshi people.... I find myself really motivated to get better at my broken Bangla speaking skills and I am feeling a bit more comfortable existing here. I am more confident in my "shopping" skills (which entail a number of things such as: "Dodging traffic skills, key phrase mastering such as "no I don't need a rickshaw, no I don't want to buy a chicken but thank you anyways, and stop staring at me I am not a mirror"; and bartering in Bangla). What I am really noticing is my ability to literally "freak out" much less and just relax in the classroom... I remember my first day of teaching so clearly... I was absolutely TERRIFIED. I was teaching Year 9 Science and the unit was "The Rock Cycle"... which I thought was an incredibly boring subject, however, I had prepared lists of things to do on it and I recall writing on the board for the first time with my whiteboard marker shaking...
Now I can teach almost anything they throw at me.... last week the French teacher was absent so I taught French... I teach piano confidently, and am looking forward to covering a few History and Geography lessons...
It is true that confidence usually comes with practice. As we start to feel more familiar with what we are doing, we suddenly become more confident. I often wonder if that translates to Christ. Do you think it's possible to build up a confidence against sinning? I believe it is. In fact, that really is what Christ did on the cross for us isn't it? He died and gave us VICTORY over sin! We don't need to fight or struggle... HE HAS WON. It is much like this verse:
"It is better to trust in the LORD, than put confidence in man" (Psalm 118:8).
Did you know that that verse is at the exact EXACT center of the Bible? ..... Interesting
Another verse...
Proverbs 3:26 "For the LORD shall be THY confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being snared"
Wouldn't you love it if in your life you could keep your "feet from being snared?".... God promises that you can. Just quit putting your faith in humans who will always fail you! Put your trust in God.... put your CONFIDENCE in God, and lean not on your own intelligence or understanding... God is in charge, just let Him be.
Just felt like sharing this evening. I am excited to hear from each of you, and appreciate your comments and emails.
In Christ's love,
Corinne :)