Just recently I was able to save up enough money to afford a small trip through the islands of Thailand. It was a blessing and a relief to step out of the very difficult stressful environment that has encompassed me here for the months since Christmas. I travelled with my Korean flat mate Han Na.

We started our journey by flying to Bangkok and then immediately jumping on a night bus to Phuket, down in the southern Islands. We enjoyed the beaches, hired canoes to go out through limestone caves, kaiaked off the shores of "The Beach" and snorkeled not far from other beautiful islands including 'James Bond Island.' We enjoyed incredibly economical Thai food and really had much time to think and enjoy our time away. I also enjoyed the local Starbucks a few times in Phuket and Bangkok (special thanks to my sisters donation before I left which allowed me to afford this!).
I have included some of the best pictures, my favorite being this one, which shows the rather simple kaiaks that are being trailed behind our boat while the storm we experienced while being out on the water.
It really was a great experience overall, scenic beaches, beautiful weather, and time with God.
It is not often that we get time to step out of our surroundings and experience new things. It is so hard to believe that my time here is almost over. I reflect on how it has been almost a year since I first applied for this position here in Bangladesh...how so many things have changed since then, and how I have seen so much.
Today is Easter Sunday. I want to share a bit more about our experience of that here, in a Muslim country. Perhaps at the end of my teaching week, I have papers yet to mark.
Thank you for your prayers, and enjoy the pictures :)
In Christ,
cor! thailand looked AMAZING!!!! wow I wish I could have gone with you :) those pictures are beautiful - you should frame a bunch when you get home - see you SOONNNN!!! :):):) love megs
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